living music identification portfolio please help
1. Something sounds wrong in the first five measures. I'm which two measures do you have errors?
2. In I'm which instrumental part do they occur?
3. Are the errors in pitch, rhythm, dynamics, or tempo?
4.something sounds wrong on the first five measures. I'm which measure do you hear errors? Choose one measure. which instrumental part do they occur?
6. Are there errors in dynamics, tempo, pitch, or rythm? Choose one term.
7. The performers seem to be out of key. What let example is 1 in? What let should the musicians be playing in?
8. Some performers are playing when they are not supposed to. What errors do you see in this excerpt of the score?
9. Listen to the audio of example 2, followed by the recording of the original score. How does a change in instrumentation affect the sound of the piece?
10. Orchestral balance refers to the relative loudness of particular instruments. How is balance different in the recording of the altered score? Can you hear some of the instruments betterin the altered recordingthan you can in the original version? Which recording do you like better? Why?
11. It sounds correct, but it doesn't look right. Explain what is wrong with this score.