Select all the meanings for quarter. To divide into 6 parts twenty-five cents to divide into 4 parts fifty cents one-fourth

Respuesta :

A quarter is one part out of 4 of a whole. In the examples provided, the options that define a quarter are:  

  • To divide into 4 parts fifty cents (if we divide 50 cents by 4 we will obtain a quarter of 50 cents)
  • one-fouth (if we divide a cake in 4 we obtain, one part of it is a quarter)


to divide into 4 parts fifty cents one-fourth


Using the analogy of the clock system where the quarters are the numbers 3,6, 9 and 12, which divides an hour into 4 portions of 15 minutes each, a minute into 4 portions of 15 seconds each, it means that  a quarter involves the division of something into 4 parts.

These parts are usually equal.

As such the right option is  to divide into 4 parts fifty cents one-fourth.