Respuesta :
1. desconfiar
2. hazaña
3. magia
4. declaración
5. irreconocible
6. regreso
7. testigo
8. vertiginoso
The correct word to fill each blank in the sentences is:
- Si alguien te vende boletos en la calle, tienes que desconfiar.
- Para mí, correr una carrera de veintiséis millas es una auténtica hazaña.
- El acto de magia me pareció muy divertido. Nunca había visto uno con conejos.
- La declaración del acusado estuvo muy convincente. Creo que la policía lo va a dejar en libertad.
- Carlos cambió mucho luego de su viaje. Estaba irreconocible.
- De regreso del parque de atracciones, sólo pensaba en lo bien que lo pasé allí.
- Yo fui la única testigo lo vi con mis propios ojos.
- Me gustaría practicar un deporte vertiginoso como el esquí alpino.
- If someone sells you tickets on the street, you have to be suspicious.
- Running a twenty-six mile race is a real feat for me.
- The act of magic seemed like a lot of fun to me. I've never seen one with rabbits.
- The defendant's statement was very convincing. I think the police are going to release him.
- Carlos changed a lot after his trip. He was unrecognizable.
- Back from the amusement park, he was just thinking about how much fun I had there.
- I was the only witness I saw it with my own eyes.
- I would like to practice a vertiginous sport like downhill skiing.
Word identification.
To select the appropriate word in each sentence, there is no predefined rule or parameter that can be used, the only way is by understanding the meaning of the sentence and using the one that best suits the information provided.
An example of this is the adjective "vertiginoso," which, because it is used to characterize a noun, had to be next to one, but the only sentence that contained a noun right next to the blank is the last with the word "deporte."
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