Respuesta :
The ego defense mechanism is what helps the children’s resolution of the oedipus and electra complexes. One of the purposes of ego defence mechanisms is to take care and keep the mind,self, or ego safe from social sanctions or anxiety or to give protection from a set of circumstances wherein one person cannot presently handle or deal with. However, persistent use of ego defense mechanism will make it pathological, which could lead to maladaptive conduct. And such, that the physical or mental health of that person is unfavourably influenced.
The defense mechanisms are repression and identification.
The Oedipus complex supported the idea that every boy went through a stage of desire for his mother, perceiving his father as a rival. Already the Electra complex, supports the idea that girls go through a stage of desire for their father, perceiving their mother as a rival. Ambps complexoxs were conceptualized by Freud and consist of major challenges of psychoanalysis.
In both sexes, the defense mechanism provides transient resolutions of the conflict between ID motivations and ego motivations. The first defense mechanism is repression, memory blocking, emotional impulses, and the ideas of the conscious mind; but your action does not resolve the ID-Ego conflict. The second defense mechanism is the identification by which the child incorporates into his (super) ego the personality characteristics of the same-sex father (in the case of the Oedipus complex) and the same-sex mother (in the case of the Electra complex); In what he adapts, the boy diminishes his castration anxiety, because his resemblance to his father protects him from his father's wrath in his maternal rivalry; By adapting, the girl facilitates identification with the mother, who understands that, being female, none of them have a penis, and therefore are not antagonists.