Respuesta :

On the viola. There are 4 strings the A, D, G, and C.

The musical alphabet goes from A to G. In music we never go over to H, we simply restart the set over again.

EX: C D E F G A B C D     see the pattern?

On the C string the notes start with:

C (open string)

D (1st finger)

E (2nd finger)

F (3rd finger)

G (4rd finger)

Hope this helped!

Thinner C's, usually with some tungsten in the windings, will give a more complex tone, and easier articulation even in the higher positions.

Viola Notes on the C String and the G String

                                0   1   2   3  0    1    2    3  

                       C D E F G A B C

The notes really depend on the type of string you use, I hope this helps.


{{If this doesn't work please contact me for more information.}}