Respuesta :
start of with something like "vaccines save thousands of live every day" then write a paragraph about the purpose of vaccines and how the can help the reader.
PS make to include some numerical data to appeal to the people who only believe in true data.
EX:1,000 people die every hour due to diseases that could have been prevented with a vaccine
make sure to cite you data also
PS make to include some numerical data to appeal to the people who only believe in true data.
EX:1,000 people die every hour due to diseases that could have been prevented with a vaccine
make sure to cite you data also
I agree with Ulisesricket2015. You defiantly want the numbers, and show all of the data. It shows the facts, and the truth behind it, so the readers wont just be taking your word for it but have the proof as well. - Hope this helps!