15 points!
So what's with the stress? How is it caused, and what do you do with it? Give two examples of stress that has affected your life, and what you did to cope with the stress you experienced.

Respuesta :

Stress is the unconfortable emotional experience characterized by predictable biochemical, physicological and behavioral changes.

It is caused by several factors and depending on the person those factors are going to affect them in certain levels, this means that a specific circumstance could be more stressful to one person than for the other. The stress is caused by an stressful situation that leads the body to the increse of releasing hormons such as cortisol, with the objective to react properly to the detonating situations. Sometimes stress can lead to anxiety.

To reduce levels of stress, it is recommended to identify which situations are causing it, and make changes in the responses, for example use breathing excercises to reduce the level of anxiety caused, or changes in the lifestyle such as doing excercise everyday.

1. One day I fought with one good friend, and the situation was really unconfortable and stressful because I was really frustrated with him. I choose to wait few days to be more relax about the situation and then we spoke and got into a good solution of the discussion.

2. When I have exams I feel overwhelmed because there's always a lot to study. I normally organize what I need to study first so I'm sure that I have everything I need and I won't have to be worried later for not studying enough. Then I rest before the test so I can clear my mind a bit about it.