Respuesta :

The Enlightenment encouraged political and social change by emphasizing the rights and freedoms of all human beings.  

On the political front, this meant challenging oppressive monarchies and aristocracies, and led to more representational and constitutional forms of government.  Locke and Rousseau (quoted in the examples) were strong advocates of the people's sovereignty in political affairs.

On the social front, the emphases of the Enlightenment meant challenging institutions such as slavery and promoting greater tolerance of differences between individuals and points of view.  Especially in regard to religion, Enlightenment figures like Voltaire preached tolerance rather than religious persecution.  The example quotes Mary Wollstonecraft speaking out against slavery.  She also spoke up for the rights of women ... but that social change wasn't advocated by most male Enlightenment figures and would take time to gain supporters. Woman's suffrage movements didn't become strong until a century after the Enlightenment.