Respuesta :


I am yo soy

You are (informal) tú eres

He/She is / You Are (Formal) El/Ella/Ud. Es

We are Nosotros Somos

You all are (spain only) Vosotros Sois

They Are/ You all are (formal) Ellos/Ellas/Uds. Son

Two Uses:

Telling Time

Physical Characteristics

All conjugations of the verb "ser" are listed below:

yo soy


vos sois

usted es

el/ella es

nosotros somos

vosotros sois

ustedes son

ellos son

There are two cases in which verb "ser" is used. First, when we need to describe who is the subject (i.e. Ella es Jayne), second, when we need to associate a subject to an inherent characteristic (i.e. Jayne es la Crustácea).

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