(50 Points and Brainliest)
In the first quarter of the 2014 sales year, car sales skyrocketed. Our first quarter sales accounted for 58% of our overall sales for the year. During the second quarter, however, we saw sales plummet. Our second quarter sales accounted for a mere 20% of our overall sales for the year. The third and fourth quarter were also low, each accounting for approximately 6% of our annual revenue, respectively.

1.Which was easier for you to understand/comprehend? Which was more helpful for you? Why?
2.In this scenario, highlighting sales and revenue, what is the strength of using a pie chart or graph to represent data?
3.In this scenario, what is the strength of using text to present information?
4.How does audience affect format? For example, if you were a car salesman and you had to present sales data to your boss, would you use a pie chart or text? Why?

50 Points and Brainliest In the first quarter of the 2014 sales year car sales skyrocketed Our first quarter sales accounted for 58 of our overall sales for the class=

Respuesta :

1. The most straightforward to understand is that that deals plunged in the second quarter.  

2.  Show relative extents of numerous classes of information.  Size of the circle can be made relative to the aggregate amount it speaks to. Outline a vast informational collection in visual frame.  Be outwardly more straightforward than different kinds of diagrams.

3. To all the more effectively comprehend the offers in each quarter.  

4. I would utilize a pie diagram so he could comprehend it rapidly and comprehend whats going ahead with deals proficiently.




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