Which best desrcibes the relationship between the rib cage and the heart, which is located in the chest cavity ?

A. both are organs of the skeletal system

B. the rib cage protects the heart

C. the rib cage allows the heart to move

D. both are organs of the muscular system

Respuesta :

The rib cage protects the heart

Your answer is B) The rib cage protects the heart.


A)Both organs of the skeletal system. This is incorrect because, the heart is an organ and the rib cage is apart of the skeletal system. That being said, they aren't both organs.

B)The rib cage protects the heart. This is true, the rib cage acts as a sheild. So if there where to be an accident, and you where to fall on your stomach you wouldn't have any heart damage becasue, the heart is protected by the rip cage.

C)The rib cage allows the heart to move. This is incorrect because, the heart shouldn't move becasue it's between the lungs.

D)Both are organs of the muscular system. This is incorrect becasue, the heart is just an organ and the rip cage is just a sheild protecting the heart.

That being said, the correct answer is B) The rib cage protects the heart.