Respuesta :

High speed travel without burning fossil fuels.


The advantage of Hyperloop is that it is a high-speed transport that does not pollute nature because it does not use fossil fuels.


Basically, Hyperloop is a transport system that works in a kind of aluminum capsule that circulates inside pneumatic tubes and can reach the 1,200 km / h mark. To better illustrate the idea, think of the cartoon "The Jetsons", where the characters used vacuum tubes to move around buildings. It is more or less that, only on a much larger scale: the initial idea is to take a trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles in about half an hour.

In addition to the high speed, the system is supplied with renewable energy and is still capable of generating a surplus of solar, wind and kinetic energy that can be sold to the public network, for example, to make the service more profitable. In short, Hyperloop will allow long distance travel to be made faster, safer, cheaper, immune to the climate and more sustainable than airplanes, cars or trains.