Algebra write all of the digits that can replace each

7, 4, 1, 5
You just have to find what number is inbetween the two in a number line
15) 567 < 5_5<582
so, we will fill 7 in the which will satisfy the equation properly.
567 < 575<582
16) 3,408 < 3,_30 < 3,540
the suitable number which can fill it will be 4 or 5
3,408 < 3,430 < 3,540
3,408 < 3,530 < 3,540
17) 52,780 > 5_,790 > 50,120
the suitable number which can be filled will be 0 or 1
52,780 > 50,790 > 50,120
52,780 > 51,790 > 50,120
18) 464,545>4_3,535> 443,550
the blank will be filled by 5 or 6
464,545>453,535> 443,550
464,545>463,535> 443,550