
Using Source 2, which factor best explains the long time period between when Europeans first explored Louisiana and when Louisiana was first settled by Europeans?
A: A war between France and Spain in Europe prevented both nations from colonizing the region.b:The Mississippi River was too difficult to navigate in ships from the 1500sC: The swamps, bayous, and hot climate gave Spanish explorers an unfavorable opinion of the region.d:The French saw no possible benefit in further exploration of Louisiana.

Using Source 2 which factor best explains the long time period between when Europeans first explored Louisiana and when Louisiana was first settled by Europeans class=

Respuesta :

Analyzing the timeline, there is a gap of over 200 years between the first time European explorers reached the coasts of Louisiana and the first settlement.This gap can be explained if you consider the evolution of the settlement process in America. It is not a coincidence that the first settlement took place in the early 18th century, when international trade and the need for labor coming from slaves to work in plantations were demanded.

There was not a war between France and Spain which lasted over 200 years that was the cause for not developing a settlement there, although the competition between the European powers for America was not a peaceful one.   Besides that, the Mississipi river, although by the 16th century was an adveture to attempt to cross it, Spaniards were quite good at enduring such challenges, actually, even though DeSoto took over a month to cross the Mississipi it was actually done,they would not give up that easily.

On the other hand, the French did see a benefit on settling in Luisisana, because it was an strategic point to ship different products to Eurpoe,and because it was the main port for slaves´arrival. So, the best answer from these options would be C, because if there was not a developed economy, there was not really a point to use the main advantage of Luisiana which was the access to the sea for trading purposes, that´s why, possibly they did not see the point of losing their lives, getting sick, enduring terrible conditions plus the resistance of different native tribes for  a really uncertain purpose at the time.