Which best describes the association between the carbon cycle plants, and animals?
A) plants fix carbon and release oxygen, and animals release carbon and use oxygen
B) animals fix carbon and release oxygen, and animals release carbon and use oxygen
C) animals fix carbon through respiration, and plants fix carbon through photosynthesis
D) plants decompose fixing carbon, and animals decompose releasing carbon

Respuesta :

first thing that comes to my mind is that, they both breath a substance. plants breath Carbon dioxide(c02) and animals breath Oxygen(o2). Plants waste product is what we breath to live and our waste product is what plants breath to live.

Shoutout to: @Kaitiepooh98



The answer is A: Plants fix carbon dioxide and release oxygen whereas animals take in oxygen and release carbon dioxide.


Materials present on the earth surface cycle between the living systems and the environment. Carbon cycle is one such important cycle in which we see that carbon in the form of different compounds is cycled between living organisms and environment. The main process is photosynthesis and respiration. During photosynthesis, carbon is fixed in the form of CO2 from the atmosphere by the producers i.e. plants. In the process plants release O2 into the environment. Carbon enters back into the atmosphere due to respiration by the animals and combustion.