Match each hormone to its function. follicle-stimulating hormone gonadotropin-releasing hormone testosterone estrogen oxytocin luteinizing hormone stimulates sperm production and growth of ovarian follicles arrowBoth initiates development of secondary sex characteristics in males arrowBoth stimulates contraction of the uterus during childbirth arrowBoth initiates the secretion of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone arrowBoth initiates the development of secondary sex characteristics in females arrowBoth initiates cell production of testosterone and estradiol by cells in the gonads arrowBoth

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1. follicle-stimulating hormone------------stimulates sperm production and growth of ovarian follicles

Follicle stimulating hormone is one of the gonadotrophic hormones, the other being luteinising hormone. Both are discharged by the pituitary organ into the circulatory system. Follicle fortifying hormone is one of the hormones fundamental to pubertal advancement and the capacity of ladies' ovaries and men's testicles. In ladies, this hormone animates the development of ovarian follicles in the ovary before the arrival of an egg from one follicle at ovulation. It likewise expands oestradiol generation. In men, follicle fortifying hormone follows up on the Sertoli cells of the testicles to empower sperm creation (spermatogenesis).  

2. gonadotropin-releasing hormone-----------initiates the secretion of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone

Gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) is emitted from the hypothalamus and fortifies gonadotropic cells in the foremost pituitary organ to discharge luteinizing hormone and follicle-fortifying hormone, which thusly manage the gametogenic and steroidogenic elements of the gonads in male and female. This survey condenses the declaration of GnRH and its receptor, method of activity and direction of the local peptide.  

3. testosterone-------------Both initiates development of secondary sex characteristics in males

Testosterone, the hormone responsible for the secondary sexual qualities that create in the male amid immaturity, invigorates spermatogenesis, or the procedure of sperm generation in the testicles. Auxiliary sex attributes incorporate an extending of the voice, the development of facial, axillary, and pubic hair, and the beginnings of the sex drive.  

4. estrogen-------------initiates the development of secondary sex characteristics in females

Estrogen Influences the improvement of optional sex qualities in females. Creates and keeps up female sex qualities.  

Estrogens are hormones that are vital for sexual and regenerative advancement, for the most part in ladies. They are likewise alluded to as female sex hormones. The expression "estrogen" alludes to the majority of the synthetically comparative hormones in this gathering, which are estrone, estradiol (essential in ladies of regenerative age) and estriol.

5. oxytocin-----------Both stimulates contraction of the uterus during childbirth

Oxytocin is a hormone that follows up on organs in the body (counting the bosom and uterus) and as a concoction delivery person in the cerebrum, controlling key parts of the conceptive framework, including labor and lactation, and parts of human conduct.  

The two principle activities of oxytocin in the body are constriction of the womb (uterus) amid labor and lactation. Oxytocin empowers the uterine muscles to contract and furthermore builds creation of prostaglandins, which increment the compressions further.

6. luteinizing hormone----------initiates cell production of testosterone and estradiol by cells in the gonads

LH triggers the creation of testosterone from the Leydig cells of the testis; testosterone causes the improvement of optional sex qualities in the male.  

Luteinizing hormone (LH) is an imperative hormone the two people deliver. This hormone is known as a gonadotropin, and it influences the sex organs in the two people. For ladies, it influences ovaries, and in men, it influences the testicles. LH assumes a job in adolescence, monthly cycle, and fruitfulness.