The answer is Enantiomers: The isomers which are non superimposable perfect representations are called enatiomers.
Enatiomers contrast toward turn of plane spellbound light.
When all is said in done enantiomers have comparative physical properties yet some unique synthetic properties.
Rundown of property of D - Dopa:
* Solid at room temperature
* Rotates plane spellbound light clock shrewd bearing
* Aromatic - L - amino corrosive decarboxylase has an alternate partiality for D - Dopa The rundown that isn't the property of D - DOpa:
* Highly solvent in water
* Good substrate for sweet-smelling L - amino corrosive decarboxylase
* thickness marginally not as much as that of L - Dopa
* Reduces indications of Parkinson's illness.