Conrad follows a religion that does not propagate the caste system. also, his religion emphasizes right seeing, thinking, speech, action, living, effort, mindfulness, and meditation as a route for spiritual transformation. according to this information, conrad can be considered a

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Buddhism came to be when Siddhartha Gautama, known as Buddha, was enlightened.  Buddhism teaches many things but there are key concepts that the Buddhists follow.

1. The Four Noble Truths:

• Life is suffering.  

• The cause of suffering is aversion and craving.

• Suffering can be overcome. Happiness can be attained.

• The Noble 8-fold Path is the way to end suffering.

2. Living morally is the way to spiritual transformation.

• Be tolerant of others.

• Focus on the mind: Awareness to thoughts and actions must be developed. Wisdom must be gained.

• Compassion for others must be cultivated.