Respuesta :
When Amanda poured some of the liquid in a test tube, she noticed that the edges if the water curved upward, which is an illustration of adhesion.
When Pol filled another test tube to the top, the liquid formed a low dome, which is a proof of cohesion.
When Amanda added table salt to the first test tube and shook it, she noticed that the liquid had dissolved the solute.
All of these observations are suggesting the existence of covalent bonds.
Pol determined that the pH of the sample is 7 that indicates that the sample is neutral.
Based on all the proof gathered by Pol and Amanda, the unknown liquid is water.
Water molecules adhere (adhesion) to unlike surfaces due to the presence of hydrogen bonds between the molecules. The capacity to from adhesion with unlike molecules is what makes ionic compounds (solutes) to be soluble in water. The adhesive force makes water to curve upward in a test tube. Pure water has a neutral pH of 7.
Some liquid molecules like mercury molecules have strong cohesive force holding the molecules together and therefore will not stick to surfaces of unlike molecules. That is why such molecules will form a low dome when poured into a test tube.