Read the descriptions of rhyme schemes below. Free verse: poetry that uses irregular meter and/or rhyme scheme Iambic pentameter: a poetic rhyme scheme in which each rhyming line has ten syllables Blank verse: poetry that uses unrhymed iambic pentameter Acrostic: A poem in which the first letter of each line spells out a word when read vertically. Based on the descriptions, what rhyme scheme does the poem "Harlem" use? free verse iambic pentameter blank verse acrostic

Respuesta :

The poem 'Harlem' is an example of free verse.  The meter is irregular and there is also an irregular rhyme scheme  (2nd line rhyme  with 4th, 5th with 7th  and 9th with 10th)

Answer: Free verse

Free verse is an open form of poetry that does not use consistent meter, patterns or rhyme. These poems, although free of poetic rules such as rhythm and rhyme schemes, provide artistic expression. "Harlem" can be considered a poem in free verse. Free verse can sometimes use literary devices in order to create some sense of structure. It can also do this through its use of words and punctuation.