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Slavery was a social sin because people used too talk about it so much and it was a sin that white people even black people were racist in the 1800's and 1900's . Slavery still The discovery was first made by a club of Boston infidels; but a portion of the pulpit followed in the wake of these wise sceptics, and became agitators on the subject. There was indeed, no negro slavery in their congregations, though there was plenty of other kinds of slavery—slavery to avarice, lying, cheating, and so on to the end of the interesting catalogue. There was negro slavery however at the South, which weighed with a more grevious burden, upon the tender consciences of these men, than the breaches of Divine law in their midst. They became agitators. It became their mission to engender the elements of sectional strife. They could wear cotton shirts, and sleep between cotton sheets, and eat rice pudding, and cane sugar, but they could not stand it, to live in a Union, in which some of the States were tolerated as slaveholding. Their consciences were too tender.