Respuesta :
The Santa Fe Ring was a group of powerful lawyers and politicians who used the American law to confuse Hispanic landowners, many of whom could not read and the didn't understand law. By 1880 it was a national scandal. These lawyers interpreted the law, and handled cases. Most Hispanics could not pay the fees for their services, so the fees were paid for in land. Many lawyers and politicians grew wealthy as they settled grant claims. Thomas Catron profited the most. He owned 2 million acres himself and shared 4 million acres with another lawyer.
Answer: The Santa Fe Ring was a group of powerful lawyers who used the American law to confuse Hispanic landowners, many could not read and the didn't understand law. It was a national scandal. These lawyers interpreted the law, and handled cases. Many couldn't pay the fees for their services, so the fees were paid for in land. Many lawyers were rich wealthy as they settled grant claims.