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In 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte escaped from Elba in order to lead his imperial troops in the Battle of Waterloo
In 1815, Napoleon escaped from Elba in order to start the Waterloo Campaign, which lasted a hundred days and meant his final defeat.
Napoleon had remained for eleven months in an uneasy retreat in Elba between 1814 and 1815, observing with great interest the course of events in France. As he had foreseen, the contraction of the French Empire to the former Kingdom of France caused him great discomfort, a sentiment further fueled by stories about the tactlessness with which the Bourbon monarchy treated veterans of the Grande Armee. The situation in Europe was no less dangerous; the demands of Czar Alexander I were so exorbitant that the powers in the Congress of Vienna were on the verge of a war between them. All this situation led Napoleon to a renewed activity. The return of French prisoners from Russia, Germany, Great Britain and Spain could provide an army much greater than that which had gained renown in 1814.
Napoleon solved the problem in its characteristic form. On February 26, 1815, taking advantage of the carelessness of the French and British guards, he embarked at Portoferraio with some 600 men and disembarked on March 1 at Golfe-Juan, near Antibes. Except in Provence (which was always prone to the Bourbon monarchy), he received everywhere a welcome that testified to the power of attraction of his personality in contrast to the nullity of the Bourbon. Without firing a single shot in his defense, his small troop was growing into an army. Five days later, the Emperor entered the capital, where Louis XVIII had just fled in haste.