Calculation of Increase in Leverage ratio to achieve 20% ROE:
The current ROE is given 15% and operating profit margin and asset turnover ratio are 8% and 1.25, respectively.
The formula for ROE is as follows:
ROE = Operating profit margin * Asset turnover ratio * Leverage ratio
We can say that :
Leverage ratio = ROE / (Operating profit margin * Asset turnover ratio)
Hence Current Leverage Ratio = 15% / (8%*1.25) = 1.5 times
Now we are asked to get ROE 20% with operating profit margin and asset turnover ratio at 8% and 1.25, respectively.
Required Leverage Ratio = 20% / (8%*1.25) = 2 times
Hence Leverage Ratio should Increase by (2-1.5) 0.5 times to get the ROE of 20%