A constitutional monarchy provides what power to a monarch? A. Only power given in the constitution B. Power for kings, not queens C. Absolute power over parliament D. A divine right of kings

Respuesta :

The answer is A. The monarchs in a constitutional monarchy had only the power that was allocated to them in the constitution of their land or republic. Constitutional monarchy varies from absolute monarchy in that constitutional monarchs are certain to use their influences and establishments within the restrictions set within an recognized legal framework.

A constitutional monarchy provides only power given in the constitution

Further Explanation:  

Constitutional monarchy  

  • This is is a type of government where the monarchy is guided by the constitution in which his/her duties and responsibilities are outlined by written laws.  
  • Sovereign power in this type of government is shared between the monarch and an organized government.
  • A modern example of constitution monarch is the Britain government.

Other major common types of government.

Confederacy government  

  • It’s a type of government where unlike in the federal government, the sovereign power rests with regional units such as provinces or states.
  • The central government has limited powers with supreme authority being retained by the regional units or the state governments.  
  • The sovereign states delegate powers to the national government for specific purposes, such as regulation of trade and defense.

Other major common types of government.  

Federal government  

  • Federal government is a type of government in which the sovereign power is shared by regional units called states or provinces and the central government or the national government.  
  • In a federal government, the central government has more sovereign power than the state governments.  
  • The central government influences the state governments directly.  

Constitutional democracy  

  • In this type of government the constitution outlines the sovereign power of the people.  

Absolute monarchy  

  • This is a type of government where monarch rules without being guided by any laws or a constitution.  

Constitutional government  

  • A government which is formed under a constitution as an authoritative document which outlines a system of fundamental laws and principles that determines how the government works.  

Keywords: Government, constitutional monarchy,

Learn more about:  

  • Government: https://brainly.com/question/602388
  • Types of governments: https://brainly.com/question/602388
  • Constitutional monarchy: https://brainly.com/question/602388

Level: High school  

Subject: History  

Topic: Government  

Sub-topic: Constitutional monarchy