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The Greeks contributed to democracy primarily through being the foundation of western civilization democracy. It all started in Greece, mainly in the city of Athens. The word Democracy comes from two Greek words; Demos= people and Kratein= to rule. Greece's democratic experiment eventually spread to other city-states in the country as well as into parts of Europe. They had a group that wrote laws and determined foreign policies, there was a group that had representatives from the ten tribes of Athens and were responsible for making sure the government ran smoothly, and, there was also a Court system where the cases were tried and jurors decided the cases.
Greek contribution to democracy is that they helped pioneer democracy, and then passed it down to the Romans and, eventually, Europe.
Rome contributed to democracy by creating a government where the people ruled. While Rome was a republic and not a democracy, the Romans established the framework for future democratic governments. Rome had Senators and Tribunes elected by the people to represent their interests.
When the founding fathers established the U.S government, they based it partly on the Roman style of government into different branches including the Senate, the House of Representatives and a Judicial system.