Respuesta :
Farmer ryan has a corn feild that is in the shape of a rectangle. The length is five meters more than the width. The perimeter is 210 meters.
Word Problems: Geometry
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Question 1123428: A bucket is in the shape of a truncated cone.The height of the bucket is 45 cm,and the diameters of the top and the bottom surfaces are 56 cm and 14 cm respectively.Find the the quantity (in litres) of the water the bucket can hold.
Answer by Boreal(9049) About Me (Show Source):
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A piece of paper is in the shape of a sector of a circle whose radius is 12 cm and the central angle of the sector is 120 degree.
It is rolled to form a cone of the biggest possible capacity.
Find the capacity of cone.
Find the total area of the sector
A = 120%2F360*pi%2A12%5E2
A = 150.8 sq/cm, this is surface area of the cone
Surface area (SA) of a cone without the end formula
The slant length (s) = the radius of the paper; 12 cm
pi%2Ar%2A12+=+150.8 , find r, the radius of the cone
r = 150.8%2F%2812%2Api%29
r = 4 cm is the radius
find the height of the cone
h = sqrt%28s%5E2-r%5E2%29
h = sqrt%2812%5E2-4%5E2%29
h = 11.3 cm is the height of the cone
Find the capacity (volume)
V = 1%2F3*pi%2A4%5E2%2A11.3
V = 189.33 cu/cm