President Harding developed a post war program to return to normalcy because people were weary of fighting for causes and campaigns; they wanted to center their interest on their own betterment.
a. True
b. False

Respuesta :

This is True.

He was anti-progressivist when it came to ideology and he wanted the country to focus on its own betterment, not just on being progressive.

a. True

By the time Warren Harding entered the White House in 1921, Americans were still affected by the tension and fighting of the previous war and all the damages it had provoked, so they wanted to focus on domestic issues that would address their own interests. Harding's programs of returning the U.S. to normalcy aimed to achieve that.

During his short term, Harding contributed to America's isolationist policy, he limited Immigration, reduced taxes (especially for corporations and wealthy individuals), enacted high protective tariffs, aided the growth of business, created the Bureau of the Budget as the first formal budgetary body, eliminated wartime controls, achieved to negotiate the limitation of the naval arms race and made security agreements in the Pacific area, signed by the United States, Great Britain, Japan, and France.