There are four basic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Do you think these four operations can be performed on polynomials?
What would it look like to perform these operations on polynomials? Which operation do you think would be the simplest? Which do you think will be difficult?

Respuesta :

Um.. :/ you can do all 4 operations, I think adding or subtraction will be the easiest while division might be the hardest.

For division it looks sum like this.





(2x + 5y) + (3x – 2y)


(x3 + 3x2 + 5x – 4) – (3x3 – 8x2 – 5x + 6) or simpler

Sorry for the wait I had to find your examples

Apart from Division, the three operations: Addition, subtraction, and multiplication, can be performed on polynomials.

The example of Polynomials are

    [tex]ax, ax^2, ax^2+bx-c, ax^3-bx^2-cx+d[/tex]

Only polynomials having same degree , that is like terms can be added.

→When you write , ax, ax², or ax³, multiplication is simplest Operation between two polynomials.

Or, →when you add two polynomials or Subtract two polynomials, ax²+bx or ax²-bx, Operation addition and Subtraction appears simplest.

→If you write a polynomial ,x it also implies that →1×x, that is product of two distinct terms that is a Variable and a Constant, Operation Multiplication is Simplest.

→Difficult will be Either Addition, or Subtraction.