Respuesta :

The American Revolution didn’t just take place in an internal context of colonial North America and the British Empire, but really in a transnational context

Internal context:. From about 1650 to 1763, Britain essentially allowed American colonies to run themselves with certain freedom, giving them the privilege to do as they wished. North American settlers developed unique forms of government by establishing representative legislatures and democratic town meetings. They had local juries and trials in which defendants were assumed innocent until proven guilty. American shipping, while technically regulated by the Navigation Act, functioned apart from the British fleet. That freedom gave settlers the idea that they were direct subjects of the British crown, and that they had their own little parliaments, just like England and Scotland and Wales had the Parliament in London. They saw American Colonies as having the same status as the crown with the same privileges and rights.

This freedom finished with Britain imposing unpopular taxes on America and tightened shipping and currency regulations. Colonial settlers could not have their own currency and were ordered to house British troops, they were made to follow restrictive shipping policies, and many of those who failed to comply with the new rules faced a British judge without jury. Americans were appalled and stunned by what they regarded as violations of their rights. In addition, after having fought the war against France for American territory, the British Empire set up a permanent army paid for by colonists’ taxes to prevent them from expanding which infuriated American settlers and contributed to the Revolution. With time, it all turned into indignation, and finally rebellion. In twelve years the colonists changed from offering nightly toasts to King George III to displays of opposition toward the British Crown.  

Broad Context:  

The British Empire was considered the most tolerant and liberal in those times, however agrarian economies had started to turn into commercial and International trade trends changed making it possible for Britain to impose taxes on goods shipped to and from its colonies. In fact London considered this as a necessary move to ease the pressure on their budget caused by seven years war of 1756-1763.  

Spanish and Dutch colonies became belligerent against Britain during those years and this clash of European empires generated a “war beyond America” reaching the West Indies, Africa and India.  

Other context

In 1761 political activism by Jesuits upset the monarchy in Spain who confiscated Jesuit properties in its American colonies and expelled the Jesuits boosting rioting in American colonies. In 1768 sugar consumption, which began among the Arabs grows in popularity,  and common Europeans became more familiar with sweet taste making demand for sugar elevate its price. In 1769 Spain has asked the Franciscan Order to replace Jesuits in Lower California and are sent to Upper California, to Christianize natives and to block Russian claims to coastal areas.

The American Revolution had consequences, not only for the American settlers but for the rest of the world as well. The Thomas Jefferson–Declaration of Independence was unique presenting a strong case for American rebellion and posting a model for other people's struggling for their own natural rights.

They saw American Colonies as having an identical situation as the crown with the equivalent privileges and rights. The American Revolution didn’t just take place in the intimate happenings of isolated North America and the British Empire, but particularly in transnational events. The American Revolution didn’t just take segment in an internal connection of established North America and the British Empire, but certainly in a transnational context

Further Explanations :

Broad context: From about 1650 to 1763, Britain acknowledged American communities to run themselves with a genuine democracy, furnishing them the opportunity to do as they wanted. North American immigrants revealed different kinds of management by building democratic authorities and representative town gatherings.

Local context: Of concerning  from1650 to 1763, Britain acknowledged American communities to run themselves with a guaranteed autonomy, furnishing them the opportunity to do as they wanted. North American immigrants advanced unique arrangements of authority by instituting characteristic governments and representative town meetings.

Other Context: This independence varnished with Britain inflicting despised obligations on America and toughened transportation and money ordinances. Colonial immigrants could not have their money and were commanded to house British companies, they were arranged to succeed prohibitive shipping arrangements and many of those who deserted to comply with the new jurisdictions confronted by a British judge outwardly a jury.

Learn more:

1. Why were taxes an ongoing source of conflict for the American colonists?

2. Which would most likely fall under the original jurisdiction of the supreme court?

3. Though the outcomes of Scheck and new York times differed, what did these decisions have in common? the government has a heavy burden to prove harm. the government can limit speech that causes harm. the government has unlimited power to limit speech. the government must follow the first amendment?

Answer details:

Grade: High school

Subject: History

Topic: American revolution

Keywords : American, colonies, freedom, currency, context, privilege, American, revolution, jury, settlers, legislatures, meetings, representative.