At one spot on Venus, the second closest planet to the sun, the surface temperature was 726 K. Convert this temperature to °C and °F.

Respuesta :

Answer:-  452.85 degree C and 847.13 degree F.

Solution:- The given temperature is 726 K and it asks to convert it to degree C and degree F. For degree C to K conversion we add 273.15. So, if we are doing opposite conversion that is K to degree C then we need to subtract 273.15.

degree C = 726 - 273.15 = 452.85

Now we could convert degree C to degree F using the formula:


Let's plug in the value of degree C temperature in it:


= 815.13 + 32

= 847.13 degree F

So, 726 K would be 452.85 degree C and 847.13 degree F.