Skin color may have a diagnostic function. imagine one of your friends has an obvious orange tint to her skin. what would be a logical conclusion of your observation?

Respuesta :


She may have a real taste for consuming carrots.


Eating too many carrots can actually turn your skin orange. It’s a medical condition known as carotenemia and, aside from the shock you’ll get from seeing your skin turn a cartoonish color, the condition is generally harmless.

Additionally, when you consume too many carrots — or sweet potatoes, pumpkins, or any other food that is similarly high in carotene — excess beta-carotene will enter the bloodstream and be stored under the skin, thus giving it a yellow, orange or golden tint.

It might be due to increased consumption of carrots or other vegetables with carotenoids.

This condition of orange pigmentation of the skin is called carotenosis and it is most common in people with pale skin color. Carotenosis is characterized by the presence of the orange pigment carotene in the blood.