Respuesta :

We want a special letter! This means we need a special way of writing this. Since you love English we will have words that show you are VERY passionate about English and that it is your favorite!!!!

Introduction/Beginning of Body:

*Start easy, don't sugar-coat or be "extra", be truthful and show how you feel, try to add some humor to make it enjoyable to read, the transition into the body paragraph should not be sudden either, try to reveal parts of your life and who you are, and remember; DON'T BE AFRAID TO REVEAL MISTAKES and negative traits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Example: "English is one of the VERY few classes I truly love and look forward to every day. Now, I may not be the greatest student...but I assure you, I have plenty of qualities that will blow any door off it's hinges! English started out as one of my least favorites, I hated all those words and sentences, they just fried my brain! As I became older, I realized the importance of English, not to mention I started reading books; piles of them!"

*remember, in this process, reveal a little about your life, don't be too blunt or sudden though, keep it smooth*


*Reveal parts about yourself, try including why these things make you who you are, and why it helps you in English class/Why it makes you the best student to have around, remember, teachers look for trustworthy students*


*Wrap it up, try to add some humor, repeat bits of your introduction and what makes you the best student in her class, make sure you are confident in your writing, and yes, believe it or not, confidence can be expressed in one's writing, it is quite evident*

At the end, review, make sure it fits her criteria, and voila!

If you'd like; and aren't going to write anything personal, you can take a picture of your final letter and post a question on Brainly asking for a review, in that case, you can comment on this answer and I will check it out for you!

I hope this makes your day easier,

Good luck and have a great day!
