
Key Idea and Details: by the end of the essay, the author "can say that I am Japanese-American." Why is this important to her definition of herself as an American? (Growing up Asian in America)

Respuesta :

As a nation of immigrants, it is important that immigrants assimilate into society as easily as possible. When you are first or second generation American, it can be hard to balance your ancestral cultural with your American culture. Considering yourself an American is one valuable step to fitting in. Consider our nation’s motto, “E Pluribus Unum,” meaning, “out of many, one.” Despite what country you and your family immigrated from, once you are citizens, you are undoubtedly Americans.

Key Idea and Details: by the end of the essay, the author "can say that I am Japanese-American." Why is this important to her definition of herself as an American? (Growing up Asian in America)


Key Ideas

  • (K-2 only) What are some changes you would make to create a better school? Community?
  • Why is it important for people to hear what you have to say?
  • How would you use your unique voice to change the country?
  • Why is it important that Asian Americans are represented when making decisions for our community and country?