Respuesta :

The sun noticeably affects our climate over millions of years, but it is not the cause of recent warming. The rate at which energy from the Sun reaches the top of Earth's atmosphere is called “total solar irradiance.

Hope this helps!  :)

Relationships between the Earth and the Sun affecting climate:

  • Sun is a very important sector for earth to create climate. As sun is a very essential heavenly body for life to happen.
  • Without sun People in the Earth cannot survive and same goes for the climate too.
  • When sun heats up the sun, the water gets heated and slowly it starts to evaporate.
  • After collecting loads of vapor, it gets heavy and results in clouds.
  • Next, the process continuous and cloud is collected in high amount until it get very heavy, then the rain is processed.
  • So, Earth and Sun have a very distinct relation for survival.