Think of a situation in which you are presenting your view on the subject to two different audiences. For instance, you might be presenting your ideas on ways to stop bullying (1) to the school board or a group of parents and (2) to a group of middle schoolers. Discuss how you would establish ethos in each situation.

Respuesta :

(1) I would present to a school board or a group of parents in a power slide. Talking about how bullying affects people in a way that it can lead to depression. Providing the cons when it comes to bullying. Persuading adults to help stop bullying

(2) to a group of middle schooler, i would let them voice their opinions on bullying itself. You can also make a poster where each student writes their thought of bullying

You can also use the opinions and thoughts middle schooler have into present your ways to stop bullying.

hope this help ;)