The Woodpecker and the Lion Ellen C. Babbitt
One day while a Lion was eating his dinner a bone stuck in his throat. It hurt so that he could not finish his dinner. He walked up and down, up and down, roaring with pain. A Woodpecker lit on a branch of a tree near-by, and hearing the Lion, she said, “Friend, what ails you?” The Lion told the Woodpecker what the matter was, and the Woodpecker said: “I would take the bone out of your throat, friend, but I do not dare to put my head into your mouth, for fear I might never get it out again. I am afraid you might eat me” “O Woodpecker, do not be afraid,” the Lion said. “I will not eat you. Save my life if you can!” “I will see what I can do for you,” said the Woodpecker. “Open your mouth wide.” The Lion did as he was told, but the Woodpecker said to himself: “Who knows what this Lion will do? I think I will be careful.” So the Woodpecker put a stick between the Lion’s upper and lower jaws so that he could not shut his mouth. Then the Woodpecker hopped into the Lion’s mouth and hit the end of the bone with his beak. The second time he hit it, the bone fell out. The Woodpecker hopped out of the Lion’s mouth, and hit the stick so that it too fell out. Then the Lion could shut his mouth. At once the Lion felt very much better, but not one word of thanks did he say to the Woodpecker. One day later in the summer, the Woodpecker said to the Lion, “I want you to do something for me.” “Do something for you?” said the Lion. “You mean you want me to do something more for you. I have already done a great deal for you. You cannot expect me to do anything more for you. Do not forget that once I had you in my mouth, and I let you go. That is all that you can ever expect me to do for you.” The Woodpecker said no more, but he kept away from the Lion from that day on.

Explain the theme of this story. Provide details from the story to support your answer.

Respuesta :

The theme of the story The Woodpecker and the Lion by Ellen C. Babbitt is true kindness is itself a reward.

The Woodpecker was an intelligent helper, knowing that the Lion could have eaten him he risks his life by stepping into the mouth of Lion and places the stick between his upper and lower teeth. The Woodpecker was successful in removing the bone.

Later, in return when the Woodpecker return to the lion for help due to famine, the lion refuses to help the Woodpecker “Do something for you?” said the Lion. “You mean you want me to do something more for you. I have already done a great deal for you. You cannot expect me to do anything more for you."

This highlights that the lion was greedy and selfish and refuses to share his food with the Woodpecker. The woodpecker quickly flew away and showed that it's better to stay away from the people who do not value you instead of revenging them.

"The Woodpecker said no more, but he kept away from the Lion from that day on."