Respuesta :
1. Giza
2. Papyrus
3. Pharaoh
4. Code of Hammurabi
5. Hieroglyphs
6. river Valley Civilizations
7. Huang He
8. Shang
10. Hindu Kush
1 This is the name of the Ancient Egyptian pyramids found just outside of modern-day Cairo, and is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
2 This is a thick paper-like material made from a plant grown on the banks of the Nile River in Egypt, used as a writing surface for hieroglyphics. It was largely replaced by animal skin vellum, and later, paper.
3 This term refers to the ruler of a dynasty in Ancient Egypt.
4 This is the name given to one of the oldest known set of written-down laws in world history, and is named for the Babylonian king who enacted them in the 1700s BCE.
Code of Hammurabi
5 This is the early form of writing created by the Egyptians and written on papyrus or wood. Example: It has symbols and alphabetic qualities.
6 This refers to the earliest complex societies that were centered around the Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, Indus, and Huang He areas.
River Valley Civilizations
7 This river is the second longest in China and is known for its thick deposits of silt.
Huang He
8 This was the first dynasty in China, ruling from approximately 1600 BCE to 1046 BCE.
9 This is located in Western India and was the site of one of the earliest civilizations in the world. Example: Harappa; Their writing system has yet to be deciphered, and they are known for laying out cities in a grid pattern.
Indus River
10 This mountain range dominates the northern portion of Afghanistan and contains the historically important Khyber Pass.
Hindu Kush