Test inputs write a function called checkinputs which checks if three inputs parameters are the correct data types. the first, second, and third input variables must be a string, numeric, and logical data type, respectively. the output of checkinputs should be a logical row array, errorcode, with 4 values.

Respuesta :

Here you go,


function errorCode = CheckInputs(name, gpa, enrollStatus)

   %Create a errorCode as a 1x4 logical array    

   errorCode=[true true true false];

   %Check number input arguments taken by the function

   %If the number of arguments are less than 3, assign the

   %4th array element in errorCode to true

   if nargin<3





   %Otherwise(if there are three parameters),    


       %Check whether the first parameter is a string are not

       %and set the first array element with true, if the

       %first argument is string

       if ischar(name)



       %Check whether the second parameter is a numeric value are not

       %and set the second array element with true, if the

       %second argument is a numeric value

       if isnumeric(gpa)



       %Check whether the third parameter is a logical value are not

       %and set the third array element with true, if the

       %third argument is a logical value false

       if islogical(enrollStatus)



