Respuesta :
A plant cell is illustrated as a cell that comprises nucleus and organelles enveloped by a rigid and thick cell wall. The functions of the organelles are as follows:
1. Cell membrane: It safeguards the cell and monitors the molecules leaving and entering the cell.
2. Cytoplasm: It assists in holding the organelles of the cells in place.
3. Cell wall: It is the main safeguarding barrier of the plant cells.
4. Chloroplast: It transforms sunlight into energy by a procedure known as photosynthesis.
5. Cytoskeleton: It provides structural support for the cell.
6. Ribosome: It builds protein for the cell to utilize.
7. Nucleus: It stores the DNA and coordinates the activities of the cell, mainly it acts as brain.
8. Mitochondria: It convert oxygen and nutrients into energy.
9. Lysosomes: It dissociate waste into basic components for other organelles to function.
10. Endoplasmic reticulum: It transports and manufactures chemical components to and from the nucleus.
11. Peroxisomes: It digests toxic substances in the cell.
12. Golgi Apparatus: It transforms proteins and fats built in the cell and transports them outside the cell or prepares them for storage.
13. Plasmodesmata: It allows communication and transport of substances to the nearby cells.
14. Vacuole: It stores waste components and sustains the level of pH of the cell.
15. Vesicle: It conducts substances within the cell and help in storing enzyme s.