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To be an American means to be yourself at all times. It means you can be yourself without anyone judging the way you are. Citizens in America are owned by higher authority and it's really not fair to some people. Being an American doesn't really exist to me because you're not being yourself without being judged.


Being an American comes with pros and equally so cons. You are granted the 'freedom' of religion, speech, etc... , privileges, rights and opportunities but then as a person of color you are also presented with grief, racism and the true history behind the country. America agreeably still has room for improvement, it's far from perfection I think America is so great because of all the different diversities and genders. Americans, most, are very accepting and no matter how weird you think you are, you will always fit in. 

Though white washed, America's history to get to where it is now was not an easy process. All the opportunities and choices granted to American's now were given to us by the people who fought and died for the country. Soiled with the blood of African-Americans, they paved the road for America to be great 

Americans are given something everybody else aren't. A chance to be successful; to thrive. To be the best you. Most other countries are not bestowed with that opportunity. America offers one of the most powerful economies in the world.

- By Oakkks7  

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