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Comprehension is shared meaning between parties in a communication transaction. This is the first step in the listening process. The second step is being able to take breaks between discernible words, or talking segmentation.

Retaining is the second step in the process. Memory is essential to the listening process because the information retained when a person is involved in the listening process is how meaning from words is created. Because everyone has different memories, the speaker and the listener may attach different meanings to the same statement. However, memories are fallible, things like cramming may cause information to be forgotten.

Listening is an interaction between speaker and listener.[2] It adds action to a normally passive process.[2]



• Maintaining eye contact

• Paying attention in the talk

• Listening without jumping to conclusion

• Formulating a picture in mind as you listen

• Avoid interruption to suggest solutions

• Asking clarification when the speaker has paused

• Asking questions to improve understanding

• Understanding the mood of the speaker

• Giving the appropriate feedback


A person can improve his active listening skills by being aware of his or her personal style of communicating. A good listener is productive  and able to influence others when talking because he or she will have mastered the technique of persuading and negotiating with audience when talking. The journey to becoming an active listener is through paying attention, showing that you are following the speaker ,providing good feedback, avoiding judging the speaker and providing the appropriate feedback.