Respuesta :

be P atient
do your O bligation
be a good L istener
being A cess to all
being R esponsible
use your I nternal feelings
use your T ongue for good
Y our officially a angel of god

the capital letters is from the word polarity

Acrostic poem of polarity.

An acoustic poem is a poem in which the composition of each of the first letters of each word is used to spell out the message of the alphabet. These words come from the French, Latin and Greek forms. The polarity refers to the separation of two different groups that have a meaning.

Hence the answer refers to the patient, obligation, access, responsibility, internal and your.

  • The first letter of the word be P is patient, the second O is done your obligation the third letter L is to be a good listener. The fourth letter A refers to access to all.
  • The fifth letter R is being responsible. The sixth letter I is the use of internal feelings. The seventh letter T refers to using the tongue for good. The last letter is Y an angle officially of your god.

Learn more about the Acrostic poem.