Which underlying problem led to both the Pequot War and King Philip’s War?

A) the expansion of English settlements in New England

B) the forced conversion of Native Americans and Native Americans

C) the longstanding alliance between the French and Native Americans

D) the practice of intermarriage between the English and Native Americans

Respuesta :

It Should be A) the expansion of English settlements in New England

Explanation - King Philip’s War (1675-1676) marked the last major effort by the Native Americans of southern New England to drive out the English settlers. With tensions spilling over following the collapse of trade partnerships and aggressive expansion of colonist territories, Pokunoket chief Metacom — a.k.a. King Philip — led a bloody uprising of Wampanoag, Nipmuck, Pocumtuck and Narragansett tribes. The fighting lasted fourteen months and destroyed twelve frontier towns, ending shortly after Metacom was captured and beheaded. Some of his supporters escaped to Canada, while others who surrendered were sold into slavery.

The correct answer is A) the expansion of English settlements in New England.

The underlying problem that led to both the Pequot War and King Philip’s War was the expansion of English settlements in New England.

Native American Indians wanted their lands to be respected by European people. That was not the case and many problems arose. Native American Indian tribes had many conflicts with American colonists over the use of land and this caused armed confrontation such as the Pequot War and King Philip’s War. The Pequot War started in 1636 and ended in 1638. King's Philip War started in 1675 and ended in 1678. Both conflicts were sad pages in the history of New England.