Respuesta :
The correct sequence of events that led to 9/11 are:
1:C Beginning of the Cold War: The Cold War was a conflict between the US and the Soviet Union (and their repective blocs) that took place in the period between the end of WWII and 1989.
2:G Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan: In 1979, the USSR invaded Afghanistan to support a newly formed allied comunist government against a a group of resistance fighters known as the mujahideen.
3:F US supports of the mujahideen: The Reagan administration, as a part of a global strategy to fight against soviet expansion, gives the resistance fighters weapons (like stinger missiles) and training.
4:A Osama Bin Laden in 1984, Â organized "Maktab al-Khidamat", a group that was in charge of recruiting mujahideen fighters and collecting money to their cause.
5:B Rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan: The Taliban took the capital of the country, Kabul, in 1996 after a period of civil war that took place between 1994 and that year.
6:D Attacks on US Embassies in North Africa: the terrorist attacks took place on August 7 1998 in Kenia and Tanzania. Osama Bin Laden's organization, Al Qaeda was behind the attacks.
7:E September 11 attacks: finally, in 2001, Al Qaeda attacked the US directly in its territory with airliners. The targets were the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon and The White House or the Capitol* in Washington DC.
*The fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania after the passengers tried to take control of the flight.