Arrange the events that led to the September 11 attacks in the correct sequence.
a.Osama bin Laden’s organization of mujahideen fighters
b.rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan
c.beginning of the Cold war
d.attacks on US Embassies in North Africa
e.September 11 attacks
f.US support of the mujahideen with weapons and training
g.Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

Respuesta :

c,g,f,d,a,b,e. might not be completely correct

The correct sequence of events that led to 9/11 are:

1:C Beginning of the Cold War: The Cold War was a conflict between the US and the Soviet Union (and their repective blocs) that took place in the period between the end of WWII and 1989.

2:G Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan: In 1979, the USSR invaded Afghanistan to support a newly formed allied comunist government against a a group of resistance fighters known as the mujahideen.

3:F US supports of the mujahideen: The Reagan administration, as a part of a global strategy to fight against soviet expansion, gives the resistance fighters weapons (like stinger missiles) and training.

4:A Osama Bin Laden in 1984,  organized "Maktab al-Khidamat", a group that was in charge of recruiting mujahideen fighters and collecting money to their cause.

5:B Rise of the Taliban in Afghanistan: The Taliban took the capital of the country, Kabul, in 1996 after a period of civil war that took place between 1994 and that year.

6:D Attacks on US Embassies in North Africa: the terrorist attacks took place on August 7 1998 in Kenia and Tanzania. Osama Bin Laden's organization, Al Qaeda was behind the attacks.

7:E September 11 attacks: finally, in 2001, Al Qaeda attacked the US directly in its territory with airliners. The targets were the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon and The White House or the Capitol* in Washington DC.

*The fourth plane crashed in Pennsylvania after the passengers tried to take control of the flight.