Respuesta :
c) Parliamentary
Multiple political parties tend to be the most common in parliamentary systems. In these kinds of systems, several political parties compete with their chance of government forming.
Examples of countries that have multi-party systems are France, Germany, Mexico, Sweden, Serbia, Romania, Switzerland.
С - parliamentary
A multi-party system can be represented as the sum of parties, and as a system of parties. A multi-party system as a system of parties means that a party system exists in the country. A multi-party system implies the presence of several or many political parties in the country, that are actually involved in the political process. A multi-party system is based on the constitutional principle of freedom of formation and the activities of political parties.
In a democratic regime, in a parliamentary republic with a political culture of participation, namely civil society implements the principle of a real horizontal multi-party system, when the formation of state authorities is carried out on a democratic basis by creating a ruling coalition of parties. In these conditions, political parties are the institutions of civil society in the context of the traditional democratic concept, the natural normative legal basis for the legitimization of political power. All parties on equal terms are allowed to participate in the formation of political power, to compete for the right to participate in the creation of the ruling majority. Accordingly, changing these conditions changes the nature of the party system and the legitimizing foundations of political power.
Multiparty system and parliamentarism are inextricably linked. Parliamentarism cannot exist without a multi-party system, just as the existence of parties in the absence of a working parliament loses much of its meaning. The indissolubility of parliamentarism and multi-party system is due, first of all, to the similarity of functions performed by these institutions.
In such a complex organizational system, which is the modern state, control by society is impossible without the participation of political parties.
Parties through deputy factions can significantly affect the efficiency of the parliament as a whole and each deputy individually. Thus, the conclusion that the institution of a multi-party system is a necessary addition to the representative body, the natural basis of parliamentarism and the most important factor in its formation seems quite justified.