
What might common French citizens have liked and disliked about the metric system when it was adopted

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They would have disliked that they had to relearn how to measure.

We want to do a quick essay of what common French citizens may have faced the change of measuring units when the metric system (meter, gram, second) was adopted.

First the easy part, what they may have not liked:

Here you need to remember that even Napoleon banned its use. It has a lot of sense because changing a units system means that a lot of things need to be redone, relearn, which is especially problematic for adults.

Think on the United States, to this day they still refuse to do the change, because it is genuinely a really big change (every product that you find in your house has in some way, a measure associated to it, and think that a change of units would imply that all of these measures would need to be changed)

So, concluding, what common French citizens may have disliked is the "change" as a whole and all the things it implies.

What they may have liked?

Well, the metric system is actually a lot easier to learn and is constructed around bases of 10, so it is also easier to do math with it. But this last part, the math one, only would affect a small part of the population, so is not like the common French citizen would be happy about the fact that now is easier to perform transformations between different units of distance (like from meters to kilometers).

So here we only can conclude that easier learning and understanding is what they may have liked.

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