
The Factory Act of 1833 aimed to do all of the following, except a. allow for inspection of machinery. c. allow for inspection of factory workers. b. increase women’s pay to equal men’s. d. enforce child labor laws.

Respuesta :


B. Increase women's pay to equal men's


Many new factories started working during the Industrial Revolution. Unfortunately, there we no laws regulating the conditions people were working in. The machinery would often cause serious injuries to the workers, who worked most of the day. Not only adults were subjected to such conditions, but young children as well. Soon people began realizing how bad the conditions were and started demanding improvements.

One of the important steps in the right direction was the Factory Act of 1833. The Act dealt with the environment the workers were working in and the working hours, improving the inspection of the machinery and the workers. No child under the age of nine was allowed to work, while children of 9 to 13 had reduced working hours and had to get two hours of schooling a day.