In the beginning of “Beowulf,” King Hrothgar’s hall has been deserted for twelve years. In a short essay, tell why the hall has been deserted. Be sure to include specific examples from the text. What happened to those who ventured into the hall during those 12 years? What was the cause of this? At what time of day did these events take place? Explain.

Respuesta :

At the beginning of the poem, Beowulf, when Grendel attacked in the Hrothgar's hall the clear description of the fate was given. Grendel is characterized as an “enemy of mankind” and “ grim spirit” when he first attacked the hall. Upon his liar, he carried off with various soldiers to feast, and

“Then he found therein a band of nobles asleep after the feast: they felt no sorrow, no misery of men. The creature of evil, grim and fierce, was quickly ready, savage and cruel, and seized from their rest thirty thanes.”

The hall stood empty for twelve years because Grendel repeated his number of visits, and whoever visited that hall met the same fate as earlier. Hence, the way Grendel slaughtered the soldiers, they are considered to be brave. Therefore, nobody had the courage to defeat Grendel.

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