Let's convert the 5.78 metres into kilometres first (divide metres by 1,000 to get kilometres):
5.78 ÷ 1000 = 0.00578 km/s
Now let's convert the 0.00578 kilometres into miles (divide kilometres by 1.609 to get miles):
0.00578 ÷ 1.609 = 0.00359229335 mi/s
Now you have to multiply 0.00359229335 by 60 to get the answer in mi/min (multiply seconds by 60 to get minutes):
0.00359229335 × 60 = 0.215537601 mi/min
Finally, you have to multiply 0.215537601 by 60 again to get the answer in mi/hr or mph (multiply minutes by 60 to get hours):
0.215537601 × 60 = 12.93225606 mi/hr (mph)
12.93225606 ≈ 13 mph
Therefore, your answer (rounded to the nearest unit) is 13 mph.